This is me

It is not all business - let's meet the guy behind the lens

Like many things in life, there is more behind Lumen Vitae Photography than just me, Leopoldt Jansen van Vuuren.

A normal man created by a great God with living life, an everlasting joy and passion for what I do. I love to create and take “snaps” of what is important, true and beautiful. Born and raised in the country side as a little boy I fell in love with photos and what they resemble, what they bring to life and the everlasting memories they hold. It is amazing what moments you are able to catch on picture. I constantly found (and still do) myself paging through old albums and trying to recall the day, the feeling, memory, the laughter and the tears.

That feeling you get when you take out an old album or photos, and you reminisce about the past. When we are able to use a single moment caught behind a lens to share our memories, stories : our life.

My immense passion for people, their background, stories and life gets me excited when I think about the road that we have been on that got us here, to today. It is always an honor to play a small part in someone’s journey by catching that perfect moment in time, which can last a lifetime.

Translated “The light of Life…” – In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And God said “let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. Lumen Vitae Photography is a long coming dream that is born in a time where Light is needed in the world and everyday Life. Not just now in the year 2020, but also for tomorrow and someday. I am a child and follower of the Light of Life, Jesus Christ, where through light there was life, and by that light I want to help capture that perfect setting for the beginning of many stories to come and to be shared. And even to add a bit of light and lite…

No matter the setting – whether in the city, rural, beach, in-house or country side- I will find a way to catch the perfect light and life. I would like to be by your side and catch that moment so that one day your stories can be shared with images to add color.

John 8:12